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   Captain FTP Forum
New Captain FTP Website
New Captain FTP Website
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Hi everybody,
a few weeks back we published our new website. In the past a couple of users had complained about navigation problems but hopefully we have eliminated these problems.

We would really like to know what you think about our new site, for example:
Is navigation simpler?
Is there enough functionality?
Does it look good?

Please add your comments or suggestions.

Have fun,
Captain FTP Team
John Sheehy, 2006-03-02 14:41 Post Reply


It is much better.
Lighter colors make it much more inviting/welcoming.
The navigation is much improved. I can actually figure out how to get where I want to go in the site.
This forum is better. I would still prefer a forum built on phpBB or Invision PowerBoard as that is what I am used to on many other sites.
I don't care for the Flash image and menu. While it is very attractive (the compass is very cool), it takes longer to load than a plain image and I prefer DHTML menus over Flash. Flash doesn't always work well when one uses Firefox + Adblock.

If I could make one change, it would be to use "standard" forum software. I have 2 problems with the current software:
1. Paragraph spaceing is not automatic. All my text gets smooshed into a single paragraph which is difficult to read.
2. No intra-forum search feature.


P.S. Your technical support is still some of the best I have experienced.
Dave Barnes, 2006-03-03 15:43 Post Reply
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