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   Captain FTP Forum
Breaking my PHP Files
File Transfer Mode
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After some troubleshooting, I've determined that it is definitely the file transfer that is making my PHP files unreadable by a browser. I've tried every transfer mode (ASCII, Binary, etc.), to no avail. When using Windows and other FTP clients, everything is fine, and the same files work. I know there is no problem with the code. I took a working file, downloaded it, made no changes, and uploaded again, and the file is no longer available, just a blank page appears. HTML files seem to work fine, but anything with a .PHP extension returns a blank page. This is severely impeding my progress on a project, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Adam Fialkov, 2007-12-30 07:12 Post Reply
In Binary mode Captain FTP transfers files untouched (none of a byte is changed). ASCII mode converts CR LF tags into proper format of a destination text file. It converts files during upload and download. For some kind of servers (UNIX) Captain FTP turns off conversions and even if ASCII mode is set, no conversions are made (this can be turned off in Captain FTP/Preferences/FTP/Use binary mode...)
Grzegorz S., 2008-03-18 11:35 Post Reply
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