 | In order to connect to Xbox you should TURN OFF passive mode.
This can be done in server details of Address Book or in Quick
Connect dialog. |
| Grzegorz S., 2004-11-02 11:32
Post Reply
 | Didn't he meant "boost mode" instead of turbo download?
Some FTP servers on the Xbox have this very interesting feature
(Avalaunch, Unleash X) : if you have a FTP Client compatible
(AFAIK, there isn't any on the mac), small files are sent grouped
and you can transfert way, way, waaaay faster! I did some tests
and folders containing hundreds of files can take hours to send
with traditional FTP Clients, and only a few minutes with "boost"
enabled clients like "Qwix" on windows.
That naturally lead me to a question... is there any plan to
support the boost mode in an upcoming version of Captain FTP?! |
| aaa, 2005-03-01 18:49
Post Reply