 | My FTP server logs me out after a very short time. Captain FTP
will helpfully reconnect me, but it reconnects me at a different
location on the server, several folders up the hierarchy. Is there
any way to make CaptainFTP reconnect to the same location?
Thanks, Willis Morse |
| Willis Morse, 2004-12-11 15:34
Post Reply
 | In the address book you can specify a default remote folder to open when connecting |
| JP Sheehy, 2004-12-20 10:18
Post Reply
 | Yes, but I want it to reconnect to the location I was at when it
disconnected. It's very tedious and error-prone to drill back down
every few minutes. |
| Willis Morse, 2004-12-29 16:17
Post Reply
 | What action do you take after server logoff. Are connected and do something causing the connection to be disconnected, or after a while does the server log you off and then make the action which results in reconnecting? What is the action which prompts the reconnect? |
| Sheehy, 2005-01-03 15:55
Post Reply
 | I also have a problem with the reconnection-box. It keeps on
asking me if it should reconnect, I check the box "never ask
again" and click"yes". Guess what? The next time it pops up
again. :( |
| Benecke, 2005-01-24 12:23
Post Reply
 | Download newest build level of Captain FTP - the bug is fixed. |
| Grzegorz S., 2005-02-11 12:41
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