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   Prolongez votre p�riode de protection de mises à jour pour Captain FTP

Upgrade Guide
Mises � jour disponisbles
12 months Upgrade Protection: USD 15.00 / EUR 12.00
Captain FTP 6.6 Upgrade: USD 19.00 / EUR 15.00
Captain FTP 6.6 Upgrade with 12 months Upgrade Protection: USD 29.00 / EUR 22.00
12 months Upgrade Protection with CrowzNest 2.4: USD 26.00 / EUR 20.00
Captain FTP 6.6 Upgrade with CrowzNest 2.4: USD 30.00 / EUR 22.00
Captain FTP 6.6 Upgrade with Upgrade Protection with CrowzNest 2.4: USD 40.00 / EUR 30.00

*PLUS German VAT if applicable.

General Rules
You may use the latest version of Captain FTP, version 6.6 beta for free, when you have a license key for Captain FTP 6.x or you have a valid Upgrade Protection or your Upgrade Protection expired after we released Captain FTP 6.6 beta.
Otherwise you should purchase an upgrade key. Please login to see your personalized upgrade guide.
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