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   Captain FTP Forum
registration code problem
Problems with registration
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I installed captain ftp a while ago and never registered it and it expired... Then recently I saw a new version was released. So I downloaded it and I think it is the best ftp client for Mac when I finally used it a little:-) Anyway I registered it and entered my registration code. It seems to take the registration code fine when I add it, but whenever I close out captain FTP and reopen it, it once again asks for the registration code. So everytime I use it I need to re-input the registration code. If I login as a different user I can put in the registration code and don't have any problems at all I can close it and open it and it says it is registered. So I think the problem lies in the fact I let it expire before I registered it. Is there any way to delete the program completely. So when I install it it says I have 15 days left or make it accept the registration code for my main user? As soon as I get it working ok on my system I will buy a commercial license as I have been looking for a good ftp program since I switched to a mac a month ago and I finally found yours which is a lot like leechFTP my favorite ftp client for windows:-)
delay, 2002-07-06 00:33 Post Reply
Same problem here. The app does not accept the reg-code. :p
Fritz Wolter, 2002-07-06 15:25 Post Reply
It is fixed now... PLS download newest Captain FTP.
Peter Luczak, 2002-08-07 09:45 Post Reply

How would one reinstall Captain FTP product when one can't find his registration code. The product works fine but I need to reinstall my system software and I can't see any file anywhere that hold the product key. Please help.
Gerard Das, 2003-03-18 02:15 Post Reply
PLS, login into the online service, and go to 'key reminder'. There you can order whole your key collection - it will be sent to your registered email address. If there are any problems, you can also write an email directly to and I'm sure you'll recive your licence key very fast.
Peter Luczak, 2003-04-10 13:53 Post Reply

help i installed netophost and the registration code box keeps popping up. i tried to delete all the folders related to the app but the box still pops up every time i close it out. what can i do?
Alena Ratner, 2003-11-30 19:57 Post Reply
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