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   Press Archive
Information contained in our database consists of abstracts of articles appearing in various publications. Some of them we present below.

CaptainFTP: ottimo client per la connessione remota - VideoRecensione
Se avete la necessità, per lavoro o per scopi personali, di accedere a server in cloud, SlideToMac oggi vi propone CaptainFTP....
Slide to Mac, 17 Apr 2012 more »

CaptainFTP — отличный FTP-клиент (+раздача лицензий!)
Недостатка в FTP-клиентах для Mac OS X нет. Одним из наиболее популярных является...
MacRadar, 27 May 2009 more »

Few Among Many: Top 10 FTP Apps For Mac OS X
At #2 with a bullet this week is Captain FTP, the Mac FTP application that doesn't quit, and gets better every few months...
Bambi & Tera's Mac360, 17 Nov 2005 more »

Sharing Files With Others
If you like sharing files but not the transmitted diseases--adware, spyware and their ilk--consider Captain FTP...
Kim Komando, 20 Sep 2005 more »

Captain FTP 4.3 Faster, Easier, Better than Ever
[..] A cool new Tiger-only feature in Captain FTP 4.3 is a Dashboard widget that presents the brand new help guide for Captain FTP. It can also be used to quickly upload files to remote servers by dragging them from the desktop to the widget...
LowAndMac, 13 Sep 2005 more »

Post #41917: MAC problem
[..] There is a great FTP client for OS X called Captain FTP. I've been using it here for over a year with excellent results...., 24 Aug 2005 more »

Producing a Podcast with the Gear You Own Today
[..] I particularly like Captain FTP version 4.0, which is feature-rich.Captain FTP has all the primary features that a good FTP program needs. Having tested six or seven Mac applications for price versus features, I have to say that this program is on the right track, and I highly recommend it...
Podcasting News, 30 May 2005 more »

Captain FTP 3.1.1, by Xnet Communications
[..] On launch, I was presented with a dual panel screen. Each panel showed my Macintosh desktop. Clicking on the disk icons presented allowed navigation through my disk hierarchy. A finder like listing of disk/folder contents was displayed with a pulldown at the top showing the path to the current location and allowing navigation up the folder hierarchy...
Applelinks, 24 Feb 2004 more »

Charles Moore Reviews Captain FTP 3.0
The new Captain FTP version 3.0, released September 29, takes what was already one of the best OS X FTP clients to a new level of performance and incorporates a major revamp of the Captain FTP interface, now written in Cocoa and styled to conform with Apple's "brushed metal" motif.
Applelinks, 03 Oct 2003 more »

Captain FTP X 3.0
Potente cliente FTP que admite un n�mero ilimitado de tareas simult�neamente: Captain FTP es un cliente FTP para Mac OS X que destaca tanto por su facilidad de uso como por la gran variedad de opciones disopnibles.
Softronic, 02 Oct 2003 more »

Captain FTP gets new interface, file viewer, more
Xnet Communications has updated Captain FTP, the Mac FTP client, to version 3.0, which includes a completely new metal-themed interface rewritten in Cocoa, Apple's object-oriented development environment.
MacCentral, 29 Sep 2003 more »

Software Review: Captain FTP
Captain FTP is a dual-windowed browser that lets me see both the ResEx sever and my local drive in separate fields. Initially I selected each folder and document from the sever and copied them to my drive.
ResExcellence, 17 Jul 2003 more »

Rendezvous per FTP
Presentato per la prima volta l'utilizzo della esclusiva tecnologia Rednezvous per FTP Mac e Windows. Piu` facile ed intuitivo trasferire dati tra macchine Mac e PC
Macity, 1 Jul 2003 more »

Neue Remote Control-Software NetOp 7.6 f�r Mac OS X
F�r Mac OS X liefert Xnet Communications ab sofort die Remote Control-Software NetOp 7.6 aus, mit der sich Rechner mit unterschiedlichen Betriebssystemen wie Windows, Linux, Solaris und OS/2 fernsteuern lassen.
MACUP Magazin, 4 Jun 2003 more »

NetOp: Fernwartung goes Mac-OS X
Xnet Communications, Hersteller des bekannten FTP-Clients "Captain FTP", bietet ab sofort die Version 7.6 der Fernwartungssoftware NetOp Remote Control auch f�r Apples Mac-OS X an.
Macwelt, 4 Jun 2003 more »

Review: Fetch v4.0.3 vs. CaptainFTP v2.1.J User rating 5.0 on Applelinks
...suddenly, along comes CaptainFTP. This program was as easy to use as Transmit, and it was free. No point in arguing with that, so I jumped ship to CaptainFTP. Now, even CaptainFTP is no longer free. As I mentioned before, I'm happy to pay for the software I use, but I first have to find out if I'm paying for the best.
Applelinks, 16 Feb 2003 more »

OS X Odyssey 212: The Second Generation Of Captain FTP
There are quite a few good OS X FTP clients available, but the one I have settled on using most of the time is Captain FTP, partly because it is very fast, and partly because I really like the appearance of the interface. Apparantly, I'm not the only one. More than 50 thousand Mac users have downloaded Captain FTP.
Applelinks, 29 Nov 2002 more »

Captain FTP 1.3.1 bietet deutsche Lokalisierung
Das Programm Captain FTP f�r Mac OS X ist nun auch in einer deutschen Version verf�gbar. Dies teilte der Hersteller Xnet Communications GmbH aus Hamburg mit., 15 Jul 2002 more »

FTP-Clients sind in mancher Hinsicht wie Socken: Sie m�ssen bequem sein und sollten am besten nicht weiter auffallen. Captain FTP ist intuitiv zu handhaben und erfreut Privatanwender zudem durch Gratis-Registrierung.
    c't    , 1 Jul 2002 more »

OS X Odyssey 126 - Captain FTP 1.3 Sets Sail
(...) the latest version 1.3 is substantially refined and improved from they already very good 1.2 build.
(...) Captain FTP brought up the Applelinks graphics server more than twice as quickly as the FTP program I use regularly in OS 9.
Applelinks, 4 Jun 2002 more »

Xnet announces new version Captain FTP 1.3 for Mac OS X
"We've collected all the feedback and requirements of our customers during the past 6 month and improved Captain FTP in the easy-to-use tradition with the most important and desired features"(...)
MacTech, 3 Jun 2002 more »

OS X Odyssey 75 - Freeware FTP Clients; Captain FTP 1.2 And RBrowser Lite
(...) Even if you already have a Mac OS X FTP client that you're happy with, you've got to pay a visit to the Captain FTP Website, which is one of the best and most entertaining I've encountered. Of course, being a sailor, I couldn't resist the home page graphics.
(...) As for the application itself, I like Captain FTP. The interface is very attractive, and the preferences panel permits extensive tailoring to your particular needs and tastes. (...)
Applelinks, 19 Mar 2002 more »

Xnet announces Captain FTP 1.2 for Mac OS X
(...) This absolutely new FTP client designed from scratch for Mac OS X announced the very first time in the end of December 2001 is already a huge success. After just two months Captain FTP 1.0 was downloaded by over 15 thousand Mac users and is listed on the 19th place on the famous "Top Pics" (the most wanted software) for Mac OS X at (...)
OSX FAQ, 19 Mar 2002 more »

Captain FTP 1.2 - Daten übertragen
Von der Hamburger Softwarefirma Xnet stammt der kostenlose FTP-Client Captain FTP. (...)
Macwelt, 18 Mar 2002 more »

Captain FTP 1.2 released
Xnet Communication GmbH has announced the release of Captain FTP 1.2. The software is billed as having been "designed from scratch for Mac OS X."
As the name implies, Captain FTP is a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client for the Macintosh. The software enables Macintosh users running Mac OS X to transfer files to and from Internet servers that support FTP.
Macworld, 18 Mar 2002 more »

Xnet Communications Releases Captain FTP Freeware FTP Client For Mac OS X
Xnet Communication GmbH, an independent software vendor with core business in data communication high-end solutions announced the release of Captain FTP Public Beta Version 1.0.
Applelinks, 26 Dec 2001 more »

Xnet Communications Releases Captain FTP for Mac OS X
Xnet Communications GmbH announces Captain FTP for Mac OS X. Hamburg, Germany, Dec. 20th 2001 - Xnet Communication GmbH, an independent software vendor with core business in data communication high-end solutions announced the release of Captain FTP Public Beta Version 1.0.
MacTech, 20 Dec 2001 more »

Captain FTP for Mac OS X debuts as public beta
Hamburg, Germany-based Xnet Communications GmbH today announced the release of version 1.0, an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client designed especially for Mac OS X.
Macworld, 20 Dec 2001 more »